EMW Company Update Dec 2021

Happy Holidays from E.M. Wasylik Associates!

The EMW Team would like to extend our best holiday wishes to our clients, colleagues, partners and all our friends worldwide! We hope that you can enjoy the holiday season with family and friends. 2021 has been another challenging year for everyone. We especially extend our gratitude to all the healthcare providers, public health servants, first responders and all those who keep us safe and secure wherever you may be. We at EMW are optimistic that 2022 will be a growth year for all and look forward to meeting you face to face. 

EMW Continues to Safely Travel Internationally

EMW Associates began traveling internationally on behalf of clients again in the summer of 2021, and have continued to do so throughout the year. Senior Business Developers Michael Stone and David Urintsev have taken many trips in recent months. David traveled to Toronto in October, to multiple cities in Germany in November, followed by another trip to both Mexico and Canada at the end of November. Meanwhile, Michael traveled to the UAE in November for multiple meetings in Dubai. EMW plans to continue to travel internationally in 2022, with three team members set to visit Dubai in January and many more business development trips on the horizon. 

Traditional German dished enjoyed by David during his trip
Michael at Expo 2020 in Dubai

Which Industries are Expected to Recover Fastest?

The pandemic has impacted the global economy in many unexpected ways and forms. Many will benefit businesses and society, some will not. Some regions were hit harder than others and some industries were impacted severely (tourism), while others benefitted from the pandemic (online shopping). But what we do know is that things will continue to grow and evolve. Check out 5 industries set to experience high growth rates in the next 5 years.

As business returns to a growth mindset, EMW is serving more clients. We can do the same for you. Reach out to Ken Wasylik – info@emwasylik.com or (608) 850-5643 and let’s talk about how EMW can expand, grow and increase your company’s profits by developing international markets for your product or service.
