EMW Company Update Jun 2022

E.M. Wasylik Associates Return to Pre-Pandemic Travel Schedule!

International trade shows are returning to in-person formats, travel restrictions are easing, countries are re-opening their borders, and international travel is slowly returning to normal. E.M. Wasylik Associates are back to traveling the globe to exhibit at trade shows, meet distributors and partners, and develop new markets for our clients. Some of the trade shows that EMW has attended or exhibited in the first part of 2022 include:

  • Arab Health (Dubai, UAE) – Healthcare
  • Food & Drink Expo (Birmingham, UK) – F&B
  • Restaurants Canada (Toronto, Canada) – Hospitality/F&B
  • FIBO Global Fitness (Cologne, Germany) – Health & Fitness
  • Intersec (Dubai, UAE) – Security and Defense
  • MODEX (Atlanta, USA) – Material Handling
  • National Restaurant Association Show (Chicago, USA) – Hospitality/F&B
  • Broadband Communities Summit (Houston, USA) – Fiber Broadband

In addition to trade show-related travel, EMW Associates have traveled to various international locations to meet with existing clients, distributors, and partners in a variety of industries. 

With many more trips and trade shows scheduled in 2022, look out for EMW Associates across the globe!

Michael Stone at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany
David Urintsev in Frankfurt, Germany on his way to a trade show
The EMW Team spending some time in between events on the beach in Dubai, UAE

Ken Wasylik appointed to the Wisconsin District Export Council

Earlier this year, Ken Wasylik was appointed to the Wisconsin District Export Council. Ken will be working with fellow international trade colleagues to support the Council’s mission to educate and counsel American businesses on global trade opportunities.

Last month, Ken attended the National Association of District Export Councils Conference in Washington D.C. The conference connected Ken with the other 60 DECs around the country for a very active two days of education, updates on current trade policy and export promotion, plus an energetic interchange of ideas, best practices, and insight on the vigor of American export activity.


Ken Wasylik with Former Commerce Deputy Secretary, Karen Dunn Kelley and Wisconsin DEC Colleague, Marian Rothkegel

Looking to Diversify outside of China?

EMW assists companies expanding operations in Asia, whether it be sourcing, exporting, or entering new markets. Many companies are realizing that they cannot depend solely on China for their sourcing needs, and are looking at ASEAN countries to fill the gaps in their supply chains. By collaborating with our strategic partner, Asian Insiders, EMW grows businesses throughout Asia and helps companies implement their own China-Plus-One strategies. 

How has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Midwest Manufacturing?

Manufacturing has always been one of the strongest industries in the Midwest region of the United States. In fact, the employment share of production in the Midwest is about one and a half times the national average with even stronger numbers in states like Indiana and Wisconsin. However, when the pandemic hit in 2019, many of the region’s manufacturers struggled.

The industry has certainly bounced back, but the region hopefully learned some important lessons. Check out EMW’s blog on how COVID-19 impacted the manufacturing industry in the Midwest! 

Is your company meeting its International Business Goals?

Many companies are behind on their 2021 and 2022 goals-to-date, and need assistance in reaching the next level of business success. EMW is guiding clients as they return to a growth mindset – our team helps businesses meet and exceed their  international sales goals. We can do the same for you. Reach out to Ken Wasylik – info@emwasylik.com or (608) 850-5643 and let’s talk about how EMW can expand, grow and increase your company’s profits by developing international markets for your product or service.
